The Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli (IOR) is a highly specialized hospital and research institute in the field of orthopaedics and traumatology. Inpatients and clinical activities are organized in more than 30 operating units, grouped into two departments: complex orthopedics-trauma pathology department and specialist orthopaedic-trauma pathology department. The Unit of Spine Surgery, led by Dr. Alessandro Gasbarrini, has a relevant clinical activity for the treatment of spine pathologies ranging from oncological disease (primary and metastatic tumors) to infectious, from degenerative to post-traumatic, from severe deformities of the child to those of the adult. Moreover, the Department is deeply involved in research activities with 15 clinical studies ongoing, in collaboration with laboratories of Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli, with other hospital and international organizations. In particular the department takes part to the international multicenter registry for the collection of data on primary tumors (PTRON), metastatic tumor (MTRON) and degenerative spine disesase (DegenPRO), promoted by AO Spine.
Role in Metastra
Within the METASTRA project, IOR will design and conduct the retrospective clinical study “Train-METASTRA” as sponsor and coordinating center. The aim is to build a harmonised retrospective database of patients (circa 2000) affected by vertebral metastases collected in four clinical centers; the retrospective data will be used to train data-driven, physiology-based computational models.
In addition in collaboration with UNIBO, a preliminary health economic assessment will be conducted in order to evaluate the impact of METASTRA technologies on the health system.